
The ‘e’ in engagement

Published: February 10th, 2017

What gives you energy?

To many of us, it may seem like a luxury to ask this question. However, while the question may not seem like top priority, the answer is a matter of vitality, productivity, health, happiness – and engagement. The answer is as key to your success and well-being as it is for the bottom line. It is a simple question and just asking it can lead to a boost of energy – eyes and hearts light up. It could be fire, it could be joy; make an effort to explore the connections. What gives you energy? It is a good and simple question for managers to ask their team members and sit back and really listen. It is a good question to ask ourselves.

Engagement, it turns out, is about humanizing the workplace. Engagement has been researched and analyzed in great depth over the past six years and has revealed a significant trend and a simple truth: Many people are disengaged at work and they are all human. This research has demonstrated that engagement is fostered when people have clarity, feel heard, valued, recognized and have opportunities to learn and grow. It is not rocket science.

When it comes to energy and engagement, relationships are alpha and omega. However, in addition to focus on engagement in their organizations, today’s leaders must take time to self-coach and cultivate their own energy and vitality through self-development. Coaching skills must be valued, even prioritized, in leaders and managers at all levels – and rewarded. Establishing a culture of learning is key to sustaining engagement. The ‘e’ in engagement is energy. What gives you energy today?

Next week’s topic: the good and the bad of big data

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