
Study Explores Open Communication about Complementary Alternative Medicine in Hospital Setting

Published: December 8th, 2016

Although a reported 50% of patients use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) up to 77% do not convey this information to their medical providers. This statistic suggests a gap in communication and lack of trust in the patient-clinician relationship. Founder of Alpha Element Institute, Marit Solheim-Witt, co-authored a pilot study to test if clinician education about quantum physics principles could enhance their awareness of bioenergetic phenomena of human health, relationships and communication. These principles offer terminology and a scientific conceptual framework for understanding the interconnected energetic field aspect in human relationships, the mind-body connection, and many CAM disciplines. An integrative model of healthcare requires clinician awareness and language to describe the bioenergetic aspects of human health. Research participants indicated that quantum physics principles provide a language and conceptual framework for improving their awareness of communication and interactions in the healthcare environment. The results of this research support the hypothesis that clinician awareness of quantum physics principles can facilitate open communication between patients and health care clinicians. Awareness of energy as information could facilitate an integrative model of healthcare.

Two aditional focus groups have been conducted confirming these findings.  To read the article Click Here

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