
The Alpha Element 5-Step Plan

Published: September 22nd, 2024

By Ingrid Serck-Hanssen, MBA, MS, LPCC

Problematic drinking behavior has become an issue that is increasingly surfacing in my clinical practice. As widely reported, the COVID-19 pandemic negatively affected alcohol misuse among women. While online CBT therapy and support groups existed, my clients (most of whom are women) reported the choices as being very limited with a focus on abstinence and pathology as opposed to being oriented toward self-development and a positive approach to self-care, empowerment, and changing their behavior.


To address this gap, we developed an online, self-paced course called Transform Your Life with the Alpha Element 5 Step Plan. The course offers practical action steps that lead to real-world results – one step at a time!

The 5-Step Plan is beneficial for anyone struggling with stress and negative emotions and who wants to learn strategies to become more empowered and less disempowered. The program is offered as a free resource to anyone seeking to learn to incorporate tools and strategies into their daily routine to gradually shift their focus toward health and vitality, resulting in a positive and resilient mindset.

Research documents that problematic drinking can be disrupted by enhancing emotion regulation and coping skills related to the experience of stress and negative emotions. The 5-Step Plan incorporates principles of cognitive behavioral therapy and positive psychology to redirect negative thinking and emotions and, therefore, has the potential to benefit anyone who struggles with negative coping behavior patterns.


A recent quality improvement study of The 5-Step Plan, conducted in collaboration with the University of Minnesota, showed positive results! Fifteen individuals (10 women, 5 men) between ages 30-79 enrolled in the study. The participants completed online questionnaires to assess product performance. Participants also completed the System Usability Scale (SUS), indicating an average SUS score of 80.38 (SD=10.5), which is well above the commonly accepted threshold of 68. A majority of the participants (73%) agreed or strongly agreed that the activities in the program inspired behavioral changes; and most agreed or strongly agreed that the program was engaging (67%), well-organized (73%), and easy to follow (73%). We shared the results of this study at the Research Society on Alcohol 2024 conference.


Our mission is to help people tap into their internal potential and recognize their hidden resources. A favorite quote of ours articulates this intention:

What lies behind you and
what lies in front of you,
pales in comparison to
what lies inside of you.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

What lies inside of us is the ability to cultivate an “I can do it” attitude – we just need to learn how to do it. With the right tools and resources, the choice is ours. It’s never too late to make a change and healing comes in many different forms.

Contact me for more information: [email protected]

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